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Holiday Workshops

Does your child LOVE to sing, dance and act? Do they want to spend the week with their friends having lots of fun in a creative and theatrical environment? Or do you just want to find something different to keep them entertained? Our holiday theatre schools tick all the boxes and while they make new friends doing something they love they will most importantly have a great time!

Our holiday courses are available for all ages and previous experience is not required. The day is lead by some of the industry’s best teachers as well as the experienced teaching faculty from Terri Jayne Theatre Arts. The day includes classes in singing, jazz, contemporary, acting, musical theatre, Acro, and for the infant and junior students prop making, face painting and hair and makeup. 

No two days are the same and by the end of the week they will leave feeling inspired and motivated. 

Upcoming Dates 

Infant & Junior Workshops

Coming Soon.....


Teen & Senior Workshops

Coming Soon.....

Want to find out more?

Find out more about Terri Jayne Theatre Arts by contacting us or follow us on social media.

Latest news

Student in the West End

Congratulations to Sophia who is currently appearing as Lavender in Matilda the Musical in London's West End. Sophia can be seen in the shows from September 2023 - March 2024. Sophia is represented by our Talent Agency.

2023 Exam Results

We are extremely proud of all our students who took exams in 2023. Exams are not compulsory at TJTA however we do encourage them to allow the children to have a sense of achievement and feeling of pride. We would like to make a special mention to the children that received marks of 90% and […]
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Terri Jayne Theatre Arts
The Dance House, 38 Guildford Road,
Lightwater, Surrey GU18 5SN